Saturday, December 31, 2011

Apple's 1984 Ghostbusters Parody Unearthed

It looks like there was another exceptionally creative commercial devised by Apple in 1984 - the first, of course, being the Big Brother-themed ad that remains one of the most iconic TV commercials in broadcast history.

As it turns out, Apple's stashed documents at Stanford University contain a video that, despite having never been ostensibly hidden from public view, has been viewed by very few people to date. The segment in question was an internal company ad at Apple that presented a once-timely and altogether cheesy spoof of the 1984 classic comedy Ghostbusters.

Called Blue Busters, the parody video paints Apple as the Ghostbusters, who try to suck the "Big Blue" a.k.a. IBM up and liberate the world. Blue Busters was made for a 1984 international sales meeting.
This little gem is just a small piece of the gargantuan collection at Stanford, which is hailed as the largest assembly of Apple historical materials in the world. "Through this one collection you can trace out the evolution of the personal computer," says Stanford historian Leslie Berlin. "These sorts of documents are as close as you get to the unmediated story of what really happened."

If you haven't yet seen the 'spook'tacularly nerdy video referenced above, check it out below.
Source: Dvice

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