Monday, January 2, 2012

Source Claims Sixty-Six Percent of Phones Sold at AT&T Stores in December Were iPhones

AT&T sold the iPhone exclusively for over three years, and according to a recent survey, the carrier’s reliance on iPhone sales hasn't diminished.

Mac Observer, citing an inside source at AT&T, claims the iPhone made up 66% of phone sales at AT&T corporate retail stores during the month of December, while Android accounted for 8.5%. AT&T’s stores sold 981,000 iPhones between December 1 and December 27. During the same period AT&T’s stores sold 126,000 Android devices.

Basic feature phones managed to sell more than Android devices with 128,000 units moved. RIM’s Blackberry devices continued their decline managing to sell 74,0000 units and Windows Phone 7 devices did even worse.

While all of this information looks to spell out a nice holiday whitewashing by the iPhone, the data only includes sales figures from AT&T’s corporate stores. The source did not include authorized resellers sales, online sales, retail outlets or telephone sales. Apple’s iPhone has long been AT&T’s flagship smartphone, amassing 56% of AT&T smartphone orders last quarter so it stands to reason the iPhone's popularity would carry over into the holiday season.

Tim Cook mentioned last quarter he was confident Apple would set another iPhone sales record during the December quarter, no doubt fueled by the iPhone 4S and the holiday shopping season. Some analysts estimate Apples revenue at over $40 billion for the December quarter besting Apple’s own estimate of $37 billion.

Souce: Mac Observer [via Apple Insider]

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