Saturday, December 31, 2011

Apple's Jonathan Ive Has Been Granted Knighthood

Just when you thought Apple wasn't already a warrior..

In a metaphorical sense, Apple is a warrior; a knight. It's a company that fights fiercely against competition to make the best products and keep their devices looking better than anyone else. But outside of metaphors - Apple employee since 1992, Jonathan Ive, has been awarded knighthood in the United Kingdom. Say 'hi' to the new Sir Jonathan Ive - currently a Knight Commander of the U.K.'s British Empire.

Ive has worked hard at Apple for 19 years as a designer of products. You can see him in the image above at a private Apple milling room where you can see the machines that actually pierce holes through the aluminum blocks that our MacBook Pro/Air computers are made from. We recognize him from the videos that Apple posts on their Web Site after every new product release - he's the guy with the British accent that we recognize every time.

Knighthood is an extreme honor of U.K. tradition. This isn't the first time that Ive has been in the honor's list; in 2005 Ive was chosen to be a Commander of the British Empire. Obviously, Ive left a mark. People back from home have a tendency of saying that Ive is a hard worker and, "gets things right" the first time. As we see in today's Apple devices, the designs have certainly taken off as extremely popular. Although we have given Steve Jobs the credit of making Apple products in a generalization that the CEO controls everything, Ive is actually the designer behind a lot of it. He has certainly gotten it right.

Being granted knighthood doesn't mean that you're going to be dressed in armor and a sword. Actually, it's the British way of recognizing prestigious names. It's similar in some concepts to being called a doctor here in the United States - simply meaning that you've done something with your life and have earned a little more respect in your name.

Ive's response to being granted Knighthood was, "I am keenly aware that I benefit from a wonderful tradition in the U.K. of designing and making. I discovered at an early age that all I've ever wanted to do is design." Ive is a modest man with a passion. That's a miniature Steve Jobs for you - a man who had a passion and made his dreams come true. Jobs' situation was just a little bit larger. We at Modmyi congratulate Sir Jonathan Ive on this great honor and wish him the best at Apple!

Sources: BBC

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